
I can't log in my active personal account. FB says it's disabled, but it's actually not

I can't log in my active personal account. FB says it's disabled, but it's actually not


I can't log in my active personal account. FB says it's disabled, but it's actually not

I've been searching for a solution for the past week. My account was disabled after FB thought there was "suspicious activity" going on and needed to verify my identity. I uploaded my Id and after a couple of days the account was active again. My friends and family can interact with it, send messages and post on my wall. However, I cannot log-in, as it warns me still that the account is disabled. When I try to add my Id again, it tells me that this does nto belong to a disabled account and will not allow the upload.
Can someone please help me? There is no way to contact Facebook to allow me to enter my account, as the "report a problem" section can't be used as I'm not logged in.

p.s. I already tried to recover the account, creating a new password (several times), but the "your account has been disabled" page still comes up. In the desktop version I can see my saved account on the left with even the notification count.

submitted by /u/GplusD
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June 06, 2018 at 08:08AM

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