
Chats for an art project.


Chats for an art project.

Hi guys,

I am making an art project for a master degree. I am need some personal chat logs. It can be from what ever platform that has a PM feature (Whatsapp, Telegram, FB, Reddit, eBay, Tinder).

If you are willing to help please PM me. Basically I just need a copy-paste of a random Chat you have (or a file). No discrimination on length or topic. Can start from the middle. Can be very short.

I can give further information here or through private message, if you want.

I appreciate your help a lot!

It will be totally anonymous. I will change the names, locations etc. Basically work with the text so the ownership will not be recognizable.


submitted by /u/throwawai15156
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March 08, 2019 at 02:08PM

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