
The issue of entrepreneurism lacking a defined career structure

The issue of entrepreneurism lacking a defined career structure


The issue of entrepreneurism lacking a defined career structure

To begin with I’d like to outline very briefly my current situation. Then the dream scenario for about a years time or so. There are a few points I’m unclear on and, as the vast majority of this subs community is further down the road of entrepreneurship than me, I wonder if you have any advice that in hindsight you’d like to have been able to give your younger self.

p.s I’ve tried to make this post sound as least self-congratulatory as possible but somehow it still manages to come off that way. Please don’t think I’m being arrogant.

So, right now: I’ve just completed the second year of a social science degree at one of the best universities in the UK, and overall, I’m predicted a strong grade at the end. Right now, I’m working a 6-month, full-time marketing internship at a start-up to increase overall commercial awareness, as that’s something completely lacking from my academic studies.

Next up: I’ve got this idea for a type of social media platform which I intend to make a reality once finished at university. There are loads of talks and workshops where I live for people wanting to start their own enterprise and so I’ve been to a few at Google Campus a well as the university’s innovation lab - focussing mainly on branding, management, marketing and the fuzzy topic of start-up culture.

Point 1 – as part of my degree programme, I can take a module/course from any other London university (provided they accept).

Q) Which area of study would be of most use to somebody in my position? I’m thinking along the lines of ‘organisational behaviour’ but maybe something more in the realm of ‘digital innovation and management’ would be better, or perhaps simply ‘finance’… I just don’t know. All seem useful.

Point 2 – I’ve been advised that it would be a good idea to get experience working at a social tech company like Facebook, YouTube or Google etc. particularly because winning over investors with zero experience is virtually impossible.

Q) Do you think heading into one of these massive companies for a while would be the best direction to take? Would working somewhere smaller where responsibly is more varied be of greater value?

If you were in my place where would you go to seek advice? I really appreciate any input you've got.

submitted by /u/Fuxio
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June 12, 2018 at 12:21PM

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