
Instagram automation, dead?

Instagram automation, dead?


Instagram automation, dead?

Hey All- couple years ago I ran Instagram automation (follow/unfollow and likes) against targeted audiences. It worked great. My personal page went from 300 or so to over 15k within 6 months. The app I used was autoinsta.me, a chrome plug in that ran great.

Fast forward to mid 2019, about a year ago. Instagram changed their policies/algorithms. From that day forward it killed automation as we know it. Anytime I would run a follow/unfollow, it may run 100 for a day. Then just stop. I’d wait a week, and it would work for about 100 then action block. Awful.

Is Instagram automation still dead? If not, what are you using? What other social media automation are you running? Reason I ask is, within the next few months we’ll be launching an app and slowly launch by region. One of the best ways for end users to learn about our app, would be following/unfollowing all followers of an influencer in said niche. Then they would visit our app page, may show interest and follow us or at least check out the app.

If automation on Instagram is dead. What other platforms could I run a similar automation campaign on, to gain mass target audiences. And no I don’t want to blow 10k a month on ads lol. This old method was perfect and cost me 7$ a month. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!

submitted by /u/nick2354
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June 12, 2020 at 04:25AM

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