I want to start off by saying a couple things. We as a whole have to make something of ourselves but there has to be guided ways and options to make the best out ourselves. I understand that it's hard to live in this world when there's so much confusion. We all need to take a min and ask yourself, who am I? and what am giving in return to the world. Because i find myself giving alot of advice and I didn't even realize that I was doing that, and how I see young women are getting confused in some areas . I'm not trying to bash women because I love women. We were made for each other but when I click on dating post on Reddit and I'm thinking this person has all the interests that I have and maybe we will hit it off, i have been lied to, because I'm listen to what they're asking of me and by the time you know it I've payed to register onto a site and now I'm treating these women like they're pieces of trash. Strippers are respected more because I go into a strip club knowing I'm giving my money away and im not expecting anything else in return but companionship. I'm expecting the person that they discribe on the posts and im not getting that in return. Another woman told me she didn't like what she was doing but it hard for her in these times. I get it. When your honest its easier to understand. Then I kicked out of a sex community for giving a lady advice on how to fix her relationship all because of stupid people that assume incorrectly upon reading my posts, and rules that even the moderators don't abide by. I got targeted and harassed, banned, kicked off and acused of trolling when my intention are real because I'm a child of God. I'm am not religious nor do I belong to any forms of control except my own government. I'm a person who sees beyond religious systems. There set in place for control and I understand why now! Because everyone is lost. Were lost in society and we can't find what were looking for now, we are blind mice just trying to survive in this world. Social media has really messed up everything but it's not Social Medias fault. if your a parent look at yourself and ask yourself what have I created? Kids? Children? little copies of yourself in form of man or woman! Those are your creations nobody elses. What have you taught them? I see alot of bad things that I've taught my kids but it's my fault, because I should have chosen different ways or thought of other options to help and guide in the right direction, but I also had to change myself before doing that. I was doing drugs and I thought my guidance was right but I myself was wrong and therefore my guidance was wrong too. Even though my wrong guidance was to protect, it was teaching them that I was not ok so they needed to protect themselves from me. I felt I was doing the right thing. I wasn't. All because I felt it was the norm. It made me question myself and I figured out for myself that eventhough my kids have everything they need. I can still be guiding my kids in the direction I'm trying to avoid for them and I hate the fact that I told them to protect themselves from me! Not in those words, but that was the point. They dont have to be responsible for my stupidity. I didn't see it and I basically slapped myself right In the face! I can't change the past. So I have changed my way of thinking and acting before I do something now. I just did that a couple days ago.. but it's never too late to change I'm glad I noticed it right now because my kids are still very young. I was told they were too smart by the government. I get it, Im happy that I see it now. I was also proud that my 8yr old had a 16yr old teens knowledge which I guess is a bad thing. I just wanted my kids to grow up smart I don't want him to fail at doing something with his life, but I was giving them too much knowledge more than he was supposed to have. It takes his childhood away but he does have one and with knowledge in his mind it kinda takes it away and he mentally grows up too fast. I knew that, but I guess a headstart can damage a kid too. I have given alot people advice. And I think about the advice I've given to these people. and I see that I'm trying to save something. I caught myself remembering who we are as human beings and we can't say for sure why we are here on this beautiful planet that I love so much. But I hint to myself all the time and I don't even realize that I hint to myself what I'm saving. All because I have a big heart. I love people, I love you! Even if your not somebody I don't like! I still love you as a human being because we are all beautiful human beings but you can be an ugly mothe******r that I just don't like as a person. There's a difference. That's why I say I'm a child of God, because I love you no matter what! That's why I made this post because we forgot how to love. And we are blindy saying it's ok to forget about love! An 18 yr old confused said to me "well if I'm one of the good ones I must be worth it and you'll love me" and few more words said, all because I said: "damn your selling too? All the good ones are selling". But to me all the good one are all the women I've talked to cuz I talked to all different looking women I don't distuguish by vanity. She automatically put herself above all. And I had to explain to her the difference between business and love. Because they're similar in a way. Love is like a business you both have to put into it in order for it to work and you have to nurture love or else there is no love. Money doesnt buy love cuz I told her the ones that are worth it don't charge money ,they're loyal, honest and married so don't confuse yourself with the ones that are worth it. You promote yourself, because it's better for business and you'll make more money cuz that's what you are doing, promoting yourself, that's why its in the Bible that it's not ok to idoilize yourself and "sell" Because your are doing it for money not for love. Its part of the deadly sins and commandments that can cause distruction. I saw myself correcting a child. I told her not to lie to herself. To make her understand why it's ok, why it's wrong and how to not lie to herself because she confused herself. So that she knows the difference between business and love. She was using both for her own personal business. Deceptive to an extreme in my own opinion, 18 she's only a child but a young adult, Because there are men out there that don't give s+++t if that is someone's daughter. I do, I'm not a creep, because I was called a creep on here, I was called racist to my own race lol that's impossible because racism is a taught behavior and I wasnt taught to hate my own race, I didnt even know racism even existed cuz it don't exist in my world that's how you fix that problem. It made me feel good about myself to give advice out to different people because i related to their issues.
Another was the community amiugly and foreveralone, awesome communities I want to add, I've had tons of laughs from the peoples comments. And again I found myself giving advice again I'm not Dr Phil of any kind of phycologist, Some of my favorite advice was given to some people that didnt feel very good about themselves or their love life. Uplifting advice thats what they really enjoyed and thanked me for. One person even said that everybody should have advice like that because she felt that much better about herself. I gave her a solution to her issue because everyone is giving positive feedback but not giving her what she needed which was a solution, a solution that she could work on that didn't envolve being born again or cosmetic surgeries or any of that crap. I felt she didn't love herself and I have no clue how I pulled it out of my ass but i did. I'm going to say it again I have no experience in giving advice or nothing along the lines of that. I just gave her a solution which came from my own life experience. I related to it my life and so I put it in my own words but I also used negative examples that are seen big in society today. I had to do it, and it worked in both our favors. Because it made me happy she felt good about herself again and it gave her hope to be part of a difference crowd of people better looking people I guess.. She was being anxious desperate and hopeless love in dating and was giving up. I put that life right back into her and I can bet she's working on that right now as we speak. The fact that people don't feel confident about themselves is because they don't love themselves enough to fix it. They just need help or a little guidance into the right direction so they can have more options. In giving them the solution i also gave them more advice because the more options you have, the more dangers there are too so becareful cuz the hurt is sometimes worse when u go up a level in life. The more better looking is sometimes accompanied with a more dangerous devil, again that's from my own experiences.. So I think that I got this message off my chest and I'm very happy to post here on Reddit. It has definitely opened a lot of opportunities and options that I don't think we are even ready for and it's not Reddits fault at all, we got off track as humans and technology is ahead of us right now. And I could only imagine just how far off we really are, which is very scary for me, cuz I think about my kids. And I think about us alot, me, you, and everyone else.. So Please remember, DONT EVER FORGET ABOUT A THING CALLED LOVE!🥰
I'm 36. I grew up without my real father, I buried him a week after a met him face to face in a casket in Guanajuato, Mexico in 2002. Two of my other best friends for 5 yrs ended up being my biological brothers, my mother passed away just a year ago in 2019. She had ostioarthritis and lived in pain all her live from the age of 23. I fell into depression when she passed. I was a momma's boy and she meant the world to me. I miss her so much all she ever did was support and gave me the best advice ever! she even backed me up when I was selling drugs cuz we both were BOSS status its a mentality thing. My stepfather was a little bitch kicked me out, I dropped out of high school, I had my own business at 17 in my own town for 2yrs. I found EDM music and it saved my life cuz I found Love there, I worked my whole life in the oilfield. I was a very bad drug abuser and nobody knew, I had and addiction and I was addicted to pain Cuz my mother suffered from it and I just wanted to take it away from her and I couldnt. I sold alot of drugs got into alot fights, became a felon with a bad record even right now I'm on bond, and I stopped cuz I realized I was poisoning you. I'm sorry, I didn't know I was poisoning the very people I love, I haven't worked in a whole yr. I rehabed myself at home. I didn't go to rehab because rehab is for quiters I'm not quiter. I'm getting ready to move to Florida after I sell my house and finish remodeling another house.. I will start a business that one of my best friends is working on right now in Florida. I had to give him my tough love talk and tell him that we were losers, and as long as we kept falling backwards we weren't gonna get know where, I told him to go to Florida with his parents because he does so good over there. and I told him to start a small business or something for us because we might still fall but I am not falling backwards anymore. I'm falling forward. I'll be living real good with my 2 kids after I get them back. They deserve everything and as long as I can do that, I'm happy! I am happy. Im even happy my mom is pain free in her true form. I might even buy my kids each a house too. So when they start their family they can have it eazy and concentrate on what is more important. Family, cuz this is a new start after I leave my Beautiful Colorado I'm changing the family traditions, our gatherings. I have nothing or anything here that would make me stay. I have family here but sometimes they're the ones to kick while your down and we only get together when a family member dies, a friend is more family then your own family. I still can't believe my best friend told me was ready for me to go and move to Florida and to not worry about anything because he did it. but he don't know that I'm not going with an empty wallet!! Lol Again I love u all. AND DONT FORGET ABOUT A THING CALLED LOVE! 🥰🥰🥰🥰 REDDIT IS MY FAVORITE APP AND I JUST BARELY STARTED LOOKING INTO IT. I FEEL LIKE IT HELPED ME UNDERSTAND MYSELF A LOT BETTER AND REALLY HELPED ME LEARN THAT ANYONE CAN MAKE A CHANGE OR IMPACT SOMEONE ELSES LIFE. YOU DO ACTUALLY GET WHAT YOU GIVE IN LIFE. THANK YOU GUYS FOR MAKING THIS POSSIBLE FOR EVERYBODY.
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March 30, 2020 at 10:07AM