
Can't create Instagram account. Stuck in loop

Can't create Instagram account. Stuck in loop


Can't create Instagram account. Stuck in loop

So I've tried making an Instagram account for nearly an hour now. I tried using my email and it says

"It looks like you might have signed up to Instagram before. Do you want to login?"

So I try login but it is none of my usual passwords so I try password reset and it says "no users found" under my email. How can I have signed up to Instagram before and also not have a username under the email?!?

Also trying to login using Facebook says "This Facebook account isn't linked to the Instagram account provided." I'm using the only email I've used for Facebook so idk wtf to do lol. I don't want to create a separate email just for Instagram.

submitted by /u/YosemiteSam117
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March 12, 2019 at 06:59PM

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