
My pinterest viewers dropped to 7 on my third day of analytics for no apparent reason. I did 4 hours of studying how to effectively use pinterest and can't pinpoint the problem. Can anyone help?


My pinterest viewers dropped to 7 on my third day of analytics for no apparent reason. I did 4 hours of studying how to effectively use pinterest and can't pinpoint the problem. Can anyone help?

I have a "monkey photography" board with popular pictures of monkeys mixed in with about 10% of my personal monkey photos. I add about 20 pins per day.

People seem to like it as I already have 7 followers.

I have 4 other boards which are abandoned, but I heard that's not a problem. Should I delete the other boards???

I'm not sure what to do here. Is the problem that I only have 3 days of analytics?

submitted by /u/zeusophobia1
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October 27, 2018 at 08:23AM

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