Twitter is a liberal leftist trash can.
Is twitter really a reliable news and opinion sharing website? I don't think so. Twitter has become a liberal leftist snowflake base. And people who are the opposite of that are being silenced. My account has gotten locked about 3 times because I was falsely reported and couple days ago it got suspended, want to know why? Want to know what horrible crime I committed? I criticized Islam for what it is, got mass reported by liberal leftists and got suspended. My friend unlike me wasn't criticizing a religion, he was making fun of Sarah Jeong (the racist Asian who works with the NYT). He twitted the SAME stuff she twitted but instead of "white" he wrote "Asian". Guess what, he was suspended 2 days later for racism, harassment and supporting hate. Liberals who tweet far more racist things are being praised but, people who are not being racist, people who criticize, people who joke and have fun are being suspended.
Twitter has banned my IP and phone number so accounts I create are automatically suspended without the option to appeal. So this is the only place I can tell what I think about twitter.
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August 09, 2018 at 11:41AM