Mega Man Turns It Up to 11
Capcom couldn’t quite get a new Mega Man game ready for his 30th birthday last year (he’s really a man now!). But right at the buzzer in December, Mega Man 11 was announced. It’s coming this year, I’ve played it, and I’m happy to report it seems like a fun and fresh take on one of the elder statesmen of gaming. After seeing the reveal trailer back in December, everyone said: “Cool! But he looks kinda weird.” True, he’s adopted more of a cartoonish anime style instead of the pixelated look of previous Mega Men. But the run-and-gun-and-jump gameplay feels like classic Mega Man, and the new design retains the charm and personality fans expect. The Man himself feels quick and snappy as he should — it doesn’t have the sluggish running-under-water feel that the reveal trailer seemed to imply.
May 29, 2018 at 04:00PM