How Do People Find Non-Related FB Accounts? (+How To Prevent That)
Hi, I have 1 Facebook profile for family /neighbors/close friends and one personal account, but for professional purposes (business contacts&networking purposes). I keep them separate because I don’t want to mix the two like having aunts posting ''cute'' GIFs on my business timeline or business contacts seeing my personal events.
I have no common friends as I keep these strictly separate. I use the FB app on my phone an switch between the 2.
But I just got a friend request from a neighbor on my business account! How in the world did he found that profile? He’s nosy&gossipy. I don’t want to add him and I don’t want him to see my business posts (he already did, no idea how to ‘’undo’’ that). Yet somehow he found my profile (perhaps in ‘’People You Might Know”?).
How can I prevent this from happening again? And what can I do so he won’t see my posts (he followed me too)?
Thank you!
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June 08, 2020 at 02:47PM