
Is it illegal to advertise sex toys?

Is it illegal to advertise sex toys?


Is it illegal to advertise sex toys?

I have a tumblr page, mostly quotes and funny things.

I was approached by a sex toy online shop to advertise their products. The shop looked legit, head of advertising contacted me and I signed a contract (under my blog name not real name)

Once a month I post a discount code for their site under a "funny corporate meme" picture. Posts are SFW and as per contract I have to add the tags /#ad, /#sponsored and /#18+

I got a message today which said that I could get in trouble advertising sex toys since some of my followers could be under 18.

I dont live in the US (I live in Eastern Europe), but most of my followers are from the US.

submitted by /u/silver_light
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March 08, 2018 at 09:24AM

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