Applying for jobs involving social media management. Does a lack of posting on my personal accounts (or not having personal accounts at all) really make a difference?
I've got a few years' experience managing social media accounts for businesses and am utilizing that experience on my resume for my current job search (digital marketing/PR/social). I've had a hard time maintaining my personal social accounts lately since I so frequently manage social for work... I often don't feel I have the time/energy/creativity to put into promoting my personal accounts after doing it so much for other people.
On top of that, though I love the world of social, I'm in a bit of a catch-22 with it...With the whole Facebook privacy breach thing, general unhealthy feelings of false reality when on social media, and a personal preference to live my life not constantly attached to my phone, I'm heavily considering removing my personal accounts.
HOWEVER, I feel like it's expected by my peers and potential hiring managers that I am active on social media. I don't want my chances of getting hired for work I enjoy to be hurt by something as seemingly inconsequential as not being personally active on social media.
So, is it really that big of a deal? Should I suck it up and keep my personal accounts going as I have time/motivation to show I'm in the realm, or can I let my previous management experience speak for me?
Hope that all makes sense. Feel free to ask for clarification if needed. Thanks r/socialmedia for any input on this!
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March 26, 2018 at 06:14PM