
Scheduling Facebook Group Posts from a Facebook Page?

Scheduling Facebook Group Posts from a Facebook Page?


Scheduling Facebook Group Posts from a Facebook Page?

Looking for some kind of workaround for Facebook's API. I work for a church that uses its Facebook page and two groups pretty extensively and we're losing a lot of time to manually scheduling the same posts on our Facebook page, group #1, and group #2. The key here is that we post to the groups as the Facebook Page -- our church account, not our personal profiles.

Is there a plug-in or app that would allow us to do this exact thing or to automatically share our Facebook page posts to the two groups? Any help is appreciated -- thank you all!

For reference, we tried to use Hootsuite but it only allowed us to schedule posts in the groups as our own Facebook profiles. My research indicated this is a limitation of the Facebook API.

submitted by /u/gayrainnous
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October 15, 2020 at 02:34PM

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