I have a Facebook Gaming page & i'm starting to think monetising it is a myth...
I currently have a Gaming Facebook page that has over 100,000. The demographic is largely english speaking countries. 70,000 are between the ages of 18-34.
The page consists of funny memes and some videos in the gaming nice. The followers are largely PC Gamers.
I have completed a couple of paid promotions in the past however this is by no means monthly.
Some people have advised me to reach out to people on Kick Starter, the vast majority of messages never got returned. However a couple of people did respond and said their messages are overwhelmed with people offering the exactly the same thing.
I have also reached out to new/ blog websites to see if i can help them with promotiong some of their articles. The vast majoirty said they wasn't interested despite not even hearing how much my rates are.
Has anyone here successfully monetised a Facebook gaming page with a similar following? If so, how have you managed to monetise it?
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June 02, 2020 at 09:19PM