



Everyone talks about how to grow on Instagram but local businesses are usually ignored in discussions like these, but why?

For starters, it is because Instagram tends to show your content to people all over the world and this makes it difficult to grow followers who will buy from your business.

Secondly, the difficulty of content creation for a local business is entirely different from creating content for an online brand or theme page as it's difficult to find a lot of “big” competitor accounts in your area to model.

So how can you grow local followers who will buy from your business in the future?

I have compiled a list of simplest and common strategies local business owners can use to grow followers, feel free to add any that has worked for you in the comment below but remember they should be:

✅ Easy to implement

✅ Cost Nothing

Alright, let's get to the checklist.

10 Simple, Free, and Actionable Instagram Growth Strategies For Local Businesses

1⃣ Location Name In Bio

Most local business owners forget to include their location in the “name” of their account and this is a huge mistake because people are instantly unable to find them when searching.

NOTE: The name of your account is different from your username, the “name” is the one below your profile picture (usually in a bold font)

2⃣ Location Name In Username

This is a wonderful tactic to get followers who search for your type of business in your location, it works better when you combine it with the “Location In Name” strategy

con: makes your username look spammy

3⃣ Location Name In Bio

Doing this increases the chances of your business showing higher on Instagram search results

Tip: Combine this with the location in name tip

4⃣ Clear Profile Photo

Using a logo that is clear and has one or two letters is a sure way to get people's attention

5⃣ Matching Cover Photos

Everyone on Instagram is using story highlights so consider making a few story highlights to show your team, reviews, products, and behind the scenes, also remember to make your profile standout by making highlight covers with the same colours and style.

6⃣ Content Ideas

Posting consistently is important, here are a few content ideas you can use to create good content super fast:

— Sneak peek

— Workspace

— Behind the scenes


— Feedback request

— Customer reviews

— Challenges

— Throwback Thursday

— DIY ideas

— Would you rather [x] or [y]

Feel free to share other content types that has worked for your business

7⃣ Good Bio

Your bio is your chance to show people why they should follow you so highlight the top qualities of your business and remember to add emojis and spaces to make your bio look clean, also add your achievements like years of experience and awards.

Remember: Finish your bio by telling them to follow you

8⃣ Offer Incentives

Add a sign in your business place that tells people to tag your business location and business account in their photos (taken in your business place) to win something at the end of the month.

A contest like this brings more people to your business place and turns your customers into your sales people.

9⃣ Steal Followers From A Local Celebrity

This is a simple tactic that is easy and gives you the chance to get in front of a large audience, this can be done in 4 simple steps.

STEP 1: Make a list of your local celebrities on Instagram

STEP 2: Follow them (5 or less) and turn on notifications for their posts

STEP 3: When they publish a new post you will get the notification and be one of the first people to comment

STEP 4: Leave a good comment on their posts, 10+ words or more (your comment should stand out).

🔟 Tag Location In Posts

Remember to add your location to the posts you publish whether on the feed or in stories, but don't overdo this (once in 3 posts is fine).

Well, these are the most common growth tips for local businesses, they are basic and can be implemented right now but will not grow you hundreds of new followers overnight.

Use this as a basic checklist and share any other tips you've found useful 😌

submitted by /u/RedditBizHelper
[link] [comments]

June 24, 2020 at 11:55PM

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