Verification for popular 4 letter IG username?
Verification for a sought after IG name?
Looking for some advice and expertise here. My dog’s IG is fairly popular, and he has an incredibly engaged following of 16K+ followers.
His IG name is a pretty popular simple 4 letter name, just 4 letters no numbers.
As you can imagine, I get hundreds of DMs a week asking to buy the username—I get hundreds of texts and emails from IG weekly requesting a password reset. I have two factor authentication on, with a complex password, but I’m getting increasingly worried about a potential hack as these password resets have become fast and furious.
I’ve submitted for verification several times, no luck. I guess it’s because he’s not really active or popular on other platforms.
Any advice/suggestions on what to do?
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April 18, 2020 at 04:03PM