
I am walking carefully here. Hope this fits in the rules


I am walking carefully here. Hope this fits in the rules

Hello all. I don't think this is a prohibited question.

My question perse is, from those versed in various professionalesque social media - in this case using twitter in a professional manner, I have a question on other's experience.

I was interacting with someone. I'm not mocking or trying to incite by pisting, but it's as if the party had jekyl htde syndrome.

I next am going through my in box and the party had blocked me. Me being the analyst but also being practical, I wondered why, but also figured I'm not going to stress.

Have you fellow subs here had random blocks? If I had encited, I could see. Without drilling it down 1000%, I don't get reason other than party might felt I was a career threat to them.


submitted by /u/thatttguy888
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April 18, 2020 at 11:25PM

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