
Social media managers - how are you handling clients?


Social media managers - how are you handling clients?

Hey everyone!

I wanted to see how other freelance social media managers/social media agencies are handling the situation. I thought I would be fine since people are still using channels while at home, likely more than ever.

However I reached out to all my clients regarding the situation and most of my clients replied that they would like to pause my services because of unexpected budget cuts which I 100% understand.

Now that my clientele is slowly dwindling down I’m wondering what the next best steps are..

Obviously I understand my clients situations and want to respect their decisions.

Are you guys offering discounted rates? Reaching out to different niches that are not affected by the recession? Is this even the time to be reaching out to businesses, or should I wait?

I appreciate any input, tips and advice as I’m legitimately scared I’ll soon have no clients.

submitted by /u/jadesangel
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March 27, 2020 at 09:37AM

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