
Just created my first social media account (Facebook). Is it considered weird to add people that I used to talk to but haven't talked to in a long time (2-4 years)?


Just created my first social media account (Facebook). Is it considered weird to add people that I used to talk to but haven't talked to in a long time (2-4 years)?

I got really sick towards the last two years of High School and haven't talked to many people that I went to school with in a while. Would it be considered weird to add people that I haven't talked to in a long time?

This is also my first social media account so I'm pretty clueless in regards to etiquette. I'm also low key afraid that someone might find it weird that I added them? I'm a huge over-thinker/analyzer so that might be a factor with my decisions here lol.

I mainly got Facebook because I thought it was "rude" of me to not have any sort of reach for old friends or anyone who wants to contact me (especially in regards to family).

submitted by /u/autoimmunesystem
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March 20, 2020 at 05:39AM

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