Advice on social media management proposal template
Question: Does anyone have a social media management proposal or project scope template that they could share with the group (or privately if you prefer)? I am in the middle of redoing mine and struggling with the structure. I currently have divided into I. Research /Fleshing out the Comm Plan II. Assessment and Customized Structure III. Concentrated Content Push and IV. Maintenance
I want to leave room for flexibility. At the same time, as I suspect most of you have experienced, the average client has no idea of the amount of time/# of steps/finesse required to do the job right... And so, I find myself getting too specific/risking giving away some of my secret sauce.
New clients often come to me a bit under the gun and I enevitably feel the need to start posting before it's actually called for in the scope. As a result, my upfront time estimates end up being low for at least the first few months. The only way I see to address this is to put actual price tags on beginning stage components, such as the audit. However, everyone wants to go straight to the tactical and skip the fundamentals, so I foresee this not working well. Plus, initially, until you've proven yourself to the client, they may not want such costs front-loaded, even if they agree they're necessary.
Based on above, padding the retainer for the maintenance months seems the way to go though, to be honest, I find time tracking for social media work to be such a pain, I am tempted to just give a price quote for six months total (or an even monthly retainer) and then just use a timer for each client and try to keep myself on track at a decent hourly... (Am I sure what a decent hourly is these days? LOL. Not really! Le sigh).
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October 04, 2018 at 04:01PM