
Claiming an Instagram handle that is blocked


Claiming an Instagram handle that is blocked

I am trying to make our brand's handle consistent across all social media platforms. I tried changing our Instagram handle and it said the handle was already taken. However, there is no account for this, it's just a blocked handle. No profanities in the handle, and it's a very unique brand/handle name too. It's very possible that this handle was taken when our brand was created and then the account was deleted due to inactivity.

I've been doing a lot of research on claiming handles but most of the answers either apply to existing accounts or the answers are outdated per Instagram's new support protocols.

Because Instagram's support Center is a mess, I'm wondering if anyone on here has recently (within the last year) been successful in claiming a handle that no longer has its account. What steps can you take for this? We also have registered trademark on this brand name, but most of the trademark claims have to do with impersonation, which you can't prove if the account doesn't exist.

submitted by /u/breakfastburritotime
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July 18, 2018 at 05:24PM

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