
The Future Looks Bright for DC's Superman Comics


The Future Looks Bright for DC's Superman Comics

I wouldn't blame anyone for approaching Man of Steel with mixed emotions. On one hand, this is the first major DC Comics project from writer Brian Bendis since signing an exclusive contract with the company late last year. That's a pretty huge deal. On the other, the Superman franchise wasn't exactly in need of a major status quo upheaval. For the past two years it's been doing just fine in the capable hands of Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason and Dan Jurgens. But like it or not, big changes are brewing for Superman. The good news is that Man of Steel #1 suggests the character is still in capable hands.

Thankfully, this Man of Steel isn't following the same approach of 1986's Man of Steel, which saw writer/artist John Byrne chronicle a revamped origin story for Supes before commencing his run on the monthly Superman comic. The last thing Superman needs right now is yet another origin story retread. The new Man of Steel is much more about looking ahead to an uncertain but intriguing future. What little flashback material there is in issue #1 is largely geared towards fleshing out Superman's newest major villain, Rogol Zaar, and his possible role in the destruction of Krypton.

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May 30, 2018 at 05:21PM

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