How to fight with political (Russian) trolls on Facebook?
When we speak about FB problems most people will point on abusing users personal data. However there is another big problem which is going with this and that is abuse of election with companies like Cambridge Analytica by using data from FB and making hundreds of trolls whose pray for the blessed Russian Empire.
How to fight with these trolls as an ordinary citizen? If I report obviously fake Russian troll account, FB will answer me that they don't find anything suspicious about this profile even though they are obviously fake- have like 5 friends, no profile picture photo or downloaded from internet. Before you start telling me "it could be normal human!" There are so many of these accounts in my country and every one of these support Russians and their influence in my country.
We were occupied by Soviets for long time and I don't want live in fear and poverty as generations before.
So how to fight with them? Start page with same minded people and report these trolls with a bigger numbers? Maybe will FB notice when these trolls will be reported by so many people?
What do you think? And do you have same experiences in your country?
BTW 1: Yes, this doing will probably not hurt them a lot, but it is better than nothing on social medias...
BTW 2: I know in other countries there don't have to be all these trolls Russian, but I'm using my country as an example.
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May 07, 2018 at 09:25AM