The Inevitable Harry & Meghan Lifetime Movie Has Just Cast Its Stars
The Meghan Markle and Prince Harry love story couldn’t sound more like a made-for-TV-movie if it were scripted. Their transatlantic courtship is the plot of all great romantic flicks: handsome, eligible prince is set up on a blind date with an American commoner. American commoner (somehow) doesn’t know he’s a prince. The prince sweeps the American commoner off her feet, taking her on secret safaris, flying across the world for overnight dates and boldly holding her hand in public (!!!). Meghan and Harry’s romance is like The Prince and Me meets Christmas Prince–but totally more realistic.
And so, it’s not surprising that in the lead-up to their highly anticipated wedding, Lifetime is rushing to put together a TV movie about their lives. The film is called, rather cleverly, Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance. Here’s who they’ve cast as the leads:
Parisa Fitz-Henley as Meghan Markle

Photography via Instagram/@parisafitzhenley / Photography via Getty
Fitz-Henley is known for appearing as Reva Connors in three episodes of Netflix’s Jessica Jones , and for playing Fiji Cavanaugh on NBC’s supernatural drama Midnight, Texas.
Murray Fraser as Prince Harry

Photography via Twitter/@MurrayfraserA / Photography via Getty
Murray Fraser is a British actor with only two acting credits: as Jason Denny on the ITV Scottish crime series The Loch and a small role in an episode of Victoria.
From these side-by-side photos, Lifetime’s picks seem pretty on point. But we’re not going to lie, it’s a little disappointing that Markle–a talented actress in her own right–isn’t starring as the lead in the movie about her life. Let’s never forget that before being courted by a prince, Markle herself starred in two made-for-TV romances: 2014’s When Sparks Fly and 2016’s The Dater’s Handbook, both of which were released on the notoriously cheesy Hallmark Channel. (If you’re looking for a Valentine’s Day film to drink wine and eat ice cream to, look no further.)
She’s pretty much living out a version of the sappy rom-com roles she once played–except, her IRL story is better. Well done Meghan, you found the part of a lifetime.
The post The Inevitable Harry & Meghan Lifetime Movie Has Just Cast Its Stars appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
February 06, 2018 at 06:40PM